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Hella blinds are versatile solutions that allow you to regulate the entry of light and create more comfortable and cosy environments.


Blinds are designed to control the entry of light and provide privacy in your interior spaces. They can be adjusted to allow different levels of luminosity, creating the desired ambience.

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Estores Blackout

SLS Europe blackouts are designed to completely block out light, creating a dark environment conducive to rest.

SLS Europe - Blackouts

Os estores blackout são projetados para bloquear completamente a luz exterior, criando um ambiente escuro e confortável. São ideais para quartos, salas de cinema em casa ou qualquer espaço onde o controlo da luz seja essencial.

Gostaria de saber mais sobre os nossos Estores Blackout Plissadas ou precisa de um orçamento personalizado?


SLS Europe - Enjoy every moment at home.